dog treats
dog treats

dog treats

dog treats


  • high protein
  • to snack on for your dog
  • 15% donation to the Serres dog garden
3,49 €
( 16,62 €
Delivering in approx. 5-7 working days
  • In Stock
  • Low stock
  • Not available
  • Coming soon
Check back in a few days!
  • Grain free recipe
  • Without added sugar

A token of love for our best friends

Our Feelgood Managers, Emma and Lotta, strongly recommend our delicious dog treats. Woof ? they are just too good! The two of them really have to control themselves to stop them wanting to keep everything for themselves. But a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled.

Composition: potato flakes, duck 10 % (dried and ground), amaranth, dicalcium phosphate.

Analytical constituents: protein 15,0 %, fat 5,0 %, crude fibre 2,0 %, crude ash 6,0 %, phosphorus 1,0 %.

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